Maths Active Schools

The Mathematical Association of Victoria019s Maths Active Schools initiative is a way to recognise and support schools who demonstrate effective learning and teaching practices in mathematics.MAV’s Maths Active Schools initiative is a way to recognise and support schools who demonstrate effective learning and teaching practices in mathematics.

Who can apply?

Any Victorian registered school (primary, secondary or P–12). To apply, your school must be a MAV Institutional Member.

When can I apply?

You can apply to be a Maths Active School at any time. 

How do I apply?

  1. Download and respond to the Maths Active School application form
  2. Review your application to ensure you have the assessment rubric for Primary or Secondary
  3. Submit application to
  4. On confirmation of successful application, pay the Maths Active School invoice of $500 ($400 for small schools).

What are the criteria for a Maths Active School?

  1. Actively supports the mathematics professional learning needs of staff
  2. Has appropriately structured the mathematics program to maximise learning and teaching
  3. Promotes effective learning and teaching practices in mathematics
  4. Uses assessment to inform teacher practice to enhance student learning outcomes
  5. Participates in student mathematics activities
  6. Actively demonstrates a commitment to valuing mathematics in our society by incorporating parents and the community
  7. Promotes the effective use of technology in the learning of mathematics.

MAV does not expect schools to necessarily excel in each of the criteria listed, but expects that schools have plans in place to move toward achieving the criteria.

Before you apply, you will need:

  • the support of your principal and leadership teams
  • to provide short statements of evidence against each of the seven criteria
  • a purchase order number
  • to be a MAV member school

What happens after the application is submitted?

A team of education consultants at the MAV review all applications, make suggestions as needed, then make a recommendation to the MAV’s Council to accept or decline a schools application.

Once a school has been granted the Maths Active School accreditation by the MAV Board an invoice of $400 for small schools and $500 for standard sized schools will be issued. This is largely to cover the cost of promotional material such as a plaque and posters. (There is a yearly re-enrolment fee, which is currently set at $150.)

What’s in it for you and your school?

Your school will receive:

  • a Maths Active School plaque with your schools name on it
  • promotional material including soft and hard copy posters and MAV MAS logos for your use
  • a reproducible resource kit aimed at providing mathematical content for your schools newsletter
  • special invitations to attend events, professional development or trial programs
  • increased support and awareness of mathematical professional development, activities and resources.

Your school can:

  • publicise your schools Maths Active Schools accreditation
  • demonstrate to students, parents and your school community that mathematics is enjoyable and highly valued by its teachers
  • display Maths Active Schools logos on school newsletters, letterheads and communication material
  • receive priority for pilot programs and initiatives that the MAV undertakes

More information

For further information regarding Maths Active Schools, please contact Renee Ladner: or 03 9389 0312.