Prof Renier Steyn

Tel: 011 652 0254


  • Ph.D. Industrial and Personnel Psychology (PU for CHE, 2002)
  • D.Litt. et Phil. Psychology (UNISA, 2006)
  • Ph.D. Business Administration (NWU, 2014)
  • Ph.D. Leadership in Performance and Change (UJ, 2020)
  • Diploma/Certificate: Diploma in Tertiary Education (UNISA, 2011), Group Process Consultation (UNISA, 1998)   
  • Short courses: Leadership Best Practices (HBS, 2015), Leading Organisations and Change (MIT, 2021)

NRF Rating


Fields of academic interests

  • Human resources management – Performance management
  • Human resources management – Innovative work behaviour
  • Diversity in the workplace – Sex differences
  • Supervision and publication ethics

Field of Specialisation

  • Human resources management
  • Psychometrics
  • Research design
  • Supervision
  • Research ethics

Journal articles

  • Steyn, R., Subramaney, U., Idemudia, E.S., & Becker, J.R. (2021/2022). Ethical dilemmas in projectivised multisite research. African Journal of Health Professions Education, Paper accepted for publication.
  • Louw, T., & Steyn, R. (2021). Workplace engagement of South African Millennials: A non-issue? The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa, 17(1), a938. doi:
  • Steyn, R. (2021). Authorship revisited: Bestowing undue credit on students. South African Journal of Psychiatry, 27, a1578.
  • Steyn, R. (2021). How some lawyers prioritise earnings and not necessarily the best interests of their clients.    Case Studies in Business and Management, 8(1), 36-41.
  • Steyn, R. (2021). Freestyle Referencing for the African Journal of Inter/Multidisciplinary Studies: Exactly why not?  African Journal of Inter/Multidisciplinary Studies, 3(1), 1-4.
  • Lerutla, M., & Steyn, R. (2021). African business leadership: Perspectives from aspiring young leaders. SA Journal of Human Resource Management/SA Tydskrif vir Menslikehulpbronbestuur, 19(0), a1467.
  • Botha, L., & Steyn, R. (2020). Psychological contract breach and innovative work behaviour: Systematic literature review. The Southern African Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 12(1), 8 pages. doi:
  • Botha, L. & Steyn, R. (2020). Conceptualisation of employee voice: Definitions, typologies and measurement. International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 10(3), 134-152. doi:10.5296/ijhrs.v10i3.17404
  • Matookchund, N., & Steyn, R. (2020). Performance appraisal as an antecedent to innovation: An analysis of its relative importance.  International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 10(2), 1-12. doi:
  • Matookchund, N., & Steyn, R. (2020). The significance of performance appraisal for innovation, in selected South African organisations. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 12(1), 8 pages. doi:
  • Steyn, R. (2020). Demographic similarity between subordinates and leaders as predictor of leaders’ observed cultural intelligence. Gender & Behaviour, 18(2), 15642-15653.
  • Steyn, R. (2020). Ethical dilemmas associated with hyper-structured student research projects. South African Journal of Higher Education, 34(1), 231‒248.
  • Steyn, R. (2020). Leadership styles and organisational structure. International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 10(3), 98116-98116.
  • Steyn, R., & de Bruin, G. P. (2020). Gender differences in the relationship between innovation and its antecedent. South African Journal of Business Management, 51(1), 1-12.
  • Steyn, R., & de Bruin, G. P. (2020). Gender-based differences in the manner individual and organisational constructs are measured: A test of measurement invariance. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 46(0), a1699.
  • Matookchund, N. G., & Steyn, R. (2019). Performance appraisal as an antecedent to innovation: An analysis of its importance relative to other human resource practices. SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 17, #11.
  • Steyn, R. (2019). Constructed gender discrimination: Reflections on a long and winding road.
  • Steyn, R. (2019). Proactive personality in the workplace and its relevance in South Africa.
  • Steyn, R., & de Bruin, G. (2019). The structural validity of the innovative work behaviour questionnaire: Comparing competing factorial models. The Southern African Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 11(1), #11.
  • Nel, J., Williams. A., Steyn, R., & Hind, C. (2018). Customer experiences and expectations of sit-down restaurants: An auto-ethnographic perspective on restaurant failure. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 7(3): 1-16.
  • Sithebe, T. & Steyn, R. (2018). The mediating effect of organizational climate on the relationship between leadership styles and their components on innovation. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies, 4(1), 1-11. DOI: 10.1177/239395717747313
  • Steyn, R. & De Bruin, G.P. (2018). The structural validity and measurement invariance across gender of the Brief Corporate Entrepreneurship Assessment Instrument. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 21(1), a1965.
  • Steyn, R., & de Bruin, G. (2018). Investigating the validity of the Human Resource Practices Scale in South Africa: Measurement invariance across gender. SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 16, 10 pages. doi:
  • Lerutla, M. & Steyn, R. (2017). Definition of leadership in Africa within the twenty-first century context: Empirical research on leadership in Africa. Alternation: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of the Arts and Humanities in Southern Africa, 20, 9-36.
  • Sethibe, T.G. & Steyn, R. (2017). The impact of leadership styles and the components of leadership styles on innovative behaviour. International Journal of Innovation Management, 21(1), 1750015 (19 pages). DOI:
  • Solomon, A. & Steyn. R. (2017). Cultural Intelligence: Concepts and definition statements. SA Journal of Business Management, 48(2), 75-86.
  • Solomon, A. & Steyn. R. (2017). Leadership style and leader effectiveness: Does cultural intelligence moderate the relationship? Acta Commercii, 17(1), a453.
  • Solomon, A. & Steyn. R. (2017). The relationship between subordinate cultural identity, leader cultural intelligence and empowering and directive leadership. Journal of Contemporary Management, 24, 119-155.
  • Steyn, R. (2017). How many items are too many? An analysis of respondent disengagement when completing questionnaires. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 6(2), a41 (11 pages).
  • Steyn, R. (2017). The psychometric properties of a shortened corporate entrepreneurship assessment instrument. Southern African Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 9(1), a123.
  • Steyn, R., Bezuidenhout, M., & Grobler, A. (2017). The relationship between human resource service delivery and affective organisational commitment: A comparative study of employees in the public and private sector, as well as state owned entities. SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 15 (9 pages). doi:10.4102/sajhrm.v15i0.841
  • Vawda, N.B.M., Milburn, N.G., Steyn, R., & Zhang, M. (2017). The development of a screening tool for the early identification of risk for suicidal behaviour among students in a developing country. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 9(3), 267-273. doi: 10.1037/tra0000229.
  • Sethibe, T.G. & Steyn, R. (2016). Innovation and organisational performance: A critical review of the instruments used to measure organisational performance. Southern African Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 8(1), a50.
  • Sethibe, T.G. & Steyn, R. (2016). Organisational climate, innovation and performance: A systematic review. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies, 2(2), 1-14. DOI: 10.1177/2393957516646287
  • Steyn, R. & Grobler, S. (2016). Sex and work engagement: A study across 27 South African companies. Journal of Contemporary Management, 13, 461-481.
  • Steyn, R. & Janse van Vuuren, O. (2016). The relationship between quality of governance and foreign tourist numbers. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 5(4), a16. (10 pages). Online @ http//:
  • Steyn, R. (2016). Assessing the optimal period in which to purchase airline tickets to international destinations departing from South Africa. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 5(2), no page. ISSN: 2223-814X
  • Hind, C. & Steyn, R. (2015).  Transformational leadership and the entrepreneurial spirit. Alternation: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of the Arts and Humanities in Southern Africa, 22(1), 12-34.
  • Hind, C. & Steyn, R. (2015). Corporate entrepreneurial activity: Distilling the concept. The Southern African Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 7, 69-87.
  • Schutte, F. & Steyn, R. (2015). Business coaching: Research and design strategies. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 4(2), no page.
  • Schutte, F. & Steyn, R. (2015). The scientific building blocks of business coaching: A literature review. SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 13(1) Art. #657, 11 pages.
  • Sethibe, T.G. & Steyn, R. (2015). The relationship between leadership styles, innovation and organizational performance: A systematic review. South African Journal for Economic and Management Science, 18(3), 325-337. DOI: 2222-3436/2015/v18n3a3
  • Steyn, R. & Jackson, L.T.B. (2015). Differences between managers’ and employees’ perceptions of gender-based discrimination in a selection of South African organisations. Alternation: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of the Arts and Humanities in Southern Africa, 22(1), 96-113.
  • Steyn, R. & Jackson, L.T.B. (2015). Gender-based discrimination in South Africa: A quantitative analysis of fairness of remuneration. South-African Journal for Economic and Management Science, 18(2), 190-205.
  • Steyn, R. & Jackson, L.T.B. (2015). General employee perceptions of gender-based discrimination in a selection of South African organizations. Journal of Contemporary Management, 12, 734-756.
  • Steyn, R. (2015). Academic tourism from an equity theory perspective. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 4(2), no page.
  • Steyn, R. (2015). Gender-based discrimination in the configuration of restrooms at major airports in the United States of America, South Africa and China. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 4(1), no page.

Professional positions, fellowships & awards

  • Post-doctoral research fellow at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience & Human Behavior - situated at the University of California (UCLA)
  • Visiting fellow at Stellenbosh Institute for advanced Studies (SU)
  • UNISA International Fellowship Programme (UNISA)
  • Chancellor's Prize for Excellence in Research (2013)
  • Chancellor's Prize for Excellence in Research (2017)
  • National Research Foundation Rating (C3)


  • Antecedents to innovation
  • Sex differences in the workplace



  • Antecedents to innovation
  • Psychological contracts, voice and innovation
  • Sex differences in the workplace

Telephone: +27 11 652 0248 / +27 11 652 0291


Physical Address:
Cnr Janadel and Alexandra Avenues
Midrand, 1686
Gauteng, South Africa
Download map & directions (PDF)