an empty vessel makes much noise
Definition:  people who usually have nothing valuable to offer are the ones who usually speak the most, speak the loudest, and create the most fuss in order to make their presence felt the most
Usage:  yesterday we witnessed Edmond shouting at the top of his voice at a debate with the spokesperson of a government department, trying to defend the indefensible; we realised that an empty vessel makes much noise

Translation:  sebjana sa go se be le selo se dira lešata
Proverb: bohlale bja sebodu ke go belega

Translation:  xikotela lexi nga riki na nchumu xi na pongo
Proverb: xindhichana ngilingilii

Translation:  gokoko ḽi si na tshithu ḽi itesa phosho
Proverb: ndi nṋe ndi nṋe bvungwi a hu na tshithu