an eye for an eye (and a tooth for a tooth)
Definition:  retaliation is the appropriate way to deal with an offence; if someone does something wrong, that person should be punished by having the same thing done to them
Usage:  in that country, if you kill a person they sentence you to death, they still practice the ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’ approach

Translation:  leihlo legatong la leihlo (le leino legatong la leino)
Proverb: legotlo le lefa ka setopo

Translation:  tihlo hi tihlo (tino hi tino)
Proverb: tihlo hi tihlo

Translation:  iṱo nga iṱo (na iṋo nga iṋo)
Proverb: munongoli wa iṱo ḽa muṅwe, na ḽawe kha ḽi nongolwe