appearances can be deceptive
Definition:  things or people are not always as they appear to be, they can look different from the way they really are
Usage:  he chose her because she was the most beautiful woman, he ever laid eyes on; she turned out to be the most ill-mannered person ever, indeed appearances can be deceptive

Translation:  sebopego se na le go fora
Proverb: botse re llela boswana, bošwana bo a lahla

Translation:  leswi nchumu wu langutekaka xiswona swa xisa
Proverb: u nga voni ndzhulwana ku vangama, endzeni ka yona ka bava

Translation:  mbonalo i nga fhura
Proverb: u songo vhona bere u khanya hune ya bva yo wisa muṋe wayo