a bad beginning makes a bad ending
Definition:  if you start a thing badly it takes a long time to finish it, because the bad start seriously affects the later work; but if you make a good start, everything follows naturally and easily
Usage:  you must start your day with energy, so that you achieve your daily goals; remember, a bad beginning makes a bad ending

Translation:  go thoma ka bošaedi go dira gore phetšo e be ya bošaedi
Proverb: lehlaka le kobja e sa le le lenana

Translation:  masungulo yo biha ya na mahetelelo yo biha
Proverb: mhunti yo tlulatlula, Mangulwe wa yi siya

Translation:  kuthomele kuvhi ku ḓisa vhufhelo vhuvhi
Proverb: yo fhaṱwaho muṱavhani, mazikule a ḽi nga i vhoni