a bad penny always turns up
Definition:  a thing or person that is not welcomed will always find a way of reappearing or returning even where undesired
Usage:  my uncle is that kind of a person who causes commotion at family gatherings; even when they try not to invite him, he always turns up like a bad penny

Translation:  peni e mpe e phela e tšwelela
Proverb: madimabe ga a hlapiwe

Translation:  peni yo biha yi hundzuka leyinene nkarhi ni nkarhi
Proverb: laha ndlati yi nga ba kona, yi tlhela yi vuya

Translation:  peni mmbi i dzulela u bvelela
Proverb: mushavhamvula vhilula u si shavhe ḓumbu ḽo no swika