a problem shared is a problem halved
Definition:  people who want to deal with their problems, they should find someone to share those problems with
Usage:  Carlos was referred to a psychologist after his traumatic car experience; he was made to realise that a problem shared is a problem halved

Translation:  go abelana bothata ke go bo fokotša
Proverb: bolabola monamolomo, monatsebe o tlo ikwela

Translation:  xiphiqo lexi u byelaka van’wana i xiphiqo lexi nga lulamisiwa
Proverb: timhisi timbirhi ti dlaya nghala

Translation:  thaidzo yo kovhelwanaho ndi thaidzo yo fhandulwaho nga vhukati; zwanḓa  zwinzhi zwi leludza mushumo
Proverb: muthu ndi muthu nga vhathu