a rolling stone gathers no moss
Definition:  a person who is always changing jobs and places has the advantage of less responsibilities, but also the disadvantage of no fixed place to live, or someone who is always traveling and moving from place to place has nowhere to settle down and call home
Usage:  he was never in a stable relationship because he kept searching Mrs Right; he was absent when they taught us that a rolling stone gathers no moss

Translation:  leswika la go kgokologa ga le kgoboketše koditshane
Proverb: kgoši ya go ja hlogo ya kgaka ga e neše pula

Translation:  ribye leri khungulukaka a ri mili byanyi
Proverb: loyi a rhurhaka eka kokwana u chava ku rima

Translation:  tombo ḽi kunguluwaho a ḽi kuvhanganyi zwimela
Proverb: mutshimbili u wana ṅombe, mavhele a wanwa nga nzula