a ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what a ship is for
Definition:  when you want to determine your purpose in life, experience new things, broaden your horizons, fulfil your potential, or grow as a person, you should get out of your comfort zone
Usage:  you need to step out of your father’s company and take the overseas offer, I am sure you will realise the potential a lot of people see in you; remember, a ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what a ship is for

Translation:  leselawatle la go ba boemakepe le bolokegile, efela seo ga se morero wa lona
Proverb: legokobu le boi le hwa le mohlaka wa lona

Translation:  xikepe ehlalukweni xi hlayisekile, kambe a hi leswi xi nga endleriwa swona
Proverb: xikomu ehansi ka nsinya xi dyiwa hi muhlwa

Translation:  ngalavha ine ya vha vhuimangalavha yo vhulungea, fhedzi, izwo a si zwe ngalavha ya sikelwa zwone
Proverb: na u ṱamba wa penya khali, tshe wa bebelwa ndi mulilo