a watched pot never boils
Definition:  time has a tendency of passing very slowly when one is anxiously waiting for something to happen, if that is the only thing one is thinking about; if that something takes time to happen, it does not help to constantly check on it; you just have to give it time
Usage:  Jarryd was advised to go to Keren’s house and ask her about her decision to marry him; they told him not to wait because a watched pot never boils

Translation:  pitša yeo e bogetšwego ga e bele
Proverb: mogo ga o butšwe ka go bona tšhwene

Translation:  mbita leyi langutiweke a yi vili
Proverb: ku rindza n’weti i ku rindza munyama

Translation:  khali yo lavheleswaho a i vhili
Proverb: mulindaṅwedzi ndi mulindaswiswi