do not put the cart before the horse
Definition:  when one wants to do something, it is advisable to start from the beginning to the end, that is to say follow the steps accordingly and not to start from the end to the beginning or to jump some steps
Usage:  in research one must start with the proposal, but you have started with the analysis; follow the steps of research chronologically, I mean do not put the cart before the horse, how will it drag it?

Translation:  o se ke wa bea kariki pele ga pere
Proverb: lesaka la go dutla le hlola bodiidi

Translation:  u nga fambisi xigolonyana emahlweni ka tihanci
Proverb: nyoka yi dlayiwa hi le nhlokweni

Translation:  u songo vhea gariki phanḓa ha bere
Proverb: u tshi vhulaha ṋowa, u songo ranga mutshilani