do not put all your eggs in one basket
Definition:  do not put all your effort into a single course of action, venture, investment, goal, or the likes, because if it does not work, you stand the risk of losing everything
Usage:  he wanted to invest his entire retirement funds in one company but was advised not to put all his eggs in the same basket

Translation:  o se ke wa bea mae a gago ka moka ka gae ga leselo le tee
Proverb: sedibana sa pele se bolaiša lenyora

Translation:  u nga veki matandza ma wena hinkwawo eka basikiti yin’we
Proverb: xihlovo xa le mahlweni madlayisa torha

Translation:  u songo vhea makumba au oṱhe kha mufaro muthihi
Proverb: mbeu a i vhulungwi ḓuluni ḽithihi