easy come, easy go
Definition:  something that a person did not sweat for, tends not to care if they lose it
Usage:  after getting the RAF money, I did not mind how or with whom I am spending it; at the end I blew the money, I suppose it is more true that easy come, easy go

Translation:  se tla bonolo, se tloga bonolo
Proverb: lefa e sego la gago o le raga ka maoto

Translation:  lexi taka hi ku olova xi famba hi ku olova
Proverb: rifumo i mberha ra dzudzeka

Translation:  tshi ḓaho nga nḓila yo leluwaho, tshi ḓi ṱuwa nga nḓila yo leluwaho
Proverb: ṅwana tshidzula huvhuya huvhi hu a vhidza