every dog has its day
Definition:  even the unluckiest or the most unfortunate will get their opportunity to taste success at some point
Usage:  since every dog has its day, Desiree, the woman who usually stands at the traffic light with a baby, is now employed at the nearby filling station

Translation:  mpša ye nngwe le nngwe e na le letšatši la yona
Proverb: ga go lenong le le sa welego setoto

Translation:  mbyana yin’wana na yin’wana yi na siku ra yona
Proverb: mpfula yi hi nela hinkwerhu

Translation:  mmbwa iṅwe na iṅwe i na ḓuvha ḽayo
Proverb: tsho vhonaho goswi, na muhali u ḓo tshi vhona