fools rush in where angels fear to tread
Definition:  people without experience or those who are unwise get involved in situations or pursue goals without much thought; in contrast, wise people are thoughtful about such situations or goals
Usage:  Johnson called his supervisor and started lashing out on him without understanding the background of the matter in question – fools rush in where angels fear to tread

Translation:  mašilo a kitimela mo manyeloi a tšhabago go ya
Proverb: le bitšwa ke tšhego la araba, la bitšwa ke lehumo la homola

Translation:  swiphunta swi tsutsumela laha tintsumi ti chavaka ku kandziya
Proverb: vuphunta a va pfuxeli va pfuxela vuvabyi

Translation:  matsilu a gidimela hune vharuṅwa vha ofha u kanda
Proverb: ṋowa a i tevhelwi mulindini wayo