get out while the getting is good
Definition:  it is advice-able for a person to depart while one still has the chance, or else the conditions might get worse, and it will then not be easy to escape the situation
Usage:  some striking students started burning bins, I then reminded myself to get out while the going is still good; look now, the students I was with are behind bars

Translation:  etšwa go sa le botse
Proverb: phuti etšwa ditloong, go tšwa ka madi ga se gwa loka

Translation:  huma loko swilo swa ha famba kahle
Proverb: yana kaya ri nga si ku pelela

Translation:  i bva musi lwendo lu tshi kha ḓi vha lwavhuḓi
Proverb: muṱali u ḽa luthihi, tsilu ḽi ḽa lunzhi