it is never too late to mend
Definition:  a person can change behavior at any time and where they were wrong, they can apologise and start doing right unto others
Usage:  I used to break into people’s houses, after my sentence I went to the people I stole from and apologised, surprisingly they all forgave me; now I am a changed person, even advising kids regarding bad choices in life; for those who have wronged others, it is never too late to mend your ways

Translation:  go lokiša ga go ne gore ke morago ga nako
Proverb: lelokolebe go fana diala ke ga lona

Translation:  a swi si tshama swi hundzeriwa ku lulamisa
Proverb: ndlela hi yona yo jikiwa

Translation:  a hu na u pfi muthu o lenga musi zwi tshi ḓa kha vhupfumedzani
Proverb: nnḓu a i dzuli sa mahunḓwane i si na luvhambo