make hay while the sun shines
Definition:  to take advantage of a situation and make the most of it
Usage:  if I can work on my studies this week while schools are still closed, it will be like making hay while the sun shines; then when they reopen, I would have covered a lot

Translation:  dira furu letšatši le sa hlabile
Proverb: ge le sa go hlabetše o le orele, gobane ka moso le hlabela ba bangwe

Translation:  endla makenya loko dyambu ra ha tlhavile
Proverb: ri orhele ra ha ku tlhaverile

Translation:  ita hatsi musi ḓuvha ḽi tshi kha ḓi penya
Proverb: ḽa u ṱavhela, u ḽi ore