men govern but women rule
Definition:  usually, men claim that they have powers to control, meanwhile the women are the ones in charge
Usage:  Peter and I agreed that we would leave the club after 23:00, but immediately after receiving a call from his wife, he left without saying a goodbye; now I understand what they mean when they say, ‘men govern but women rule’

Translation:  banna ba a buša eupša basadi ba a laola
Proverb: naswa ya mošate e fenya e sa rage

Translation:  vavanuna va fuma kambe vavasati va rhangela
Proverb: wanuna i nhloko, wansati i nhamu

Translation:  vhanna vha a langula fhedzi vhafumakadzi vha a vhusa
Proverb: munna ndi ṱhoho, musadzi ndi mutsinga