shoot for the stars, aim for the moon
Definition:  when setting your goals, aim for something higher, so even if you do not achieve it, you at least get something
Usage:  you must go out of your comfort zone for you to reach your goals; even if you do not accomplish all of them, you would have tried; always shoot for the star, aim for the moon

Translation:  thunya dinaledi, efela o nepiše ngweding
Proverb: monna ge a hlokile, o rwala legong

Translation:  duvula tinyeleti, u kongomise eka n’weti
Proverb: loko u tsandzikile ku phasa mhunti, phasa mpfundla

Translation:  thuntshela ṋaledzi, ndivho kha hu vhe ṅwedzi
Proverb: mudzimba, angaladza magwekwe au, wa sa fasha nḓou, muvhuḓa u ḓo vhuya nawo