the proof of the pudding is in the eating
Definition:  the only time that a person can judge something, he should have tried or experienced that thing
Usage:  John: I am sure you would agree with me that my wife is the best cook. Sylvester: you are saying all this because you have tasted her cooking; remember that the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

Translation:  bohlatse bja phuting bo go jeng
Proverb: mmolai wa tau re bona ka dinala

Translation:  ntshembho wa leswaku i mukapu wu le ku wu dyeni
Proverb: muchayi wa mhalamhala hi n'wi vona hi nomu

Translation:  vhuṱanzi ha tshiḽiwa vhu kha u ḽa
Proverb: mulomoni wa phalaphala u pfiwa nga muṋe waho