when the going gets tough, the tough get going
Definition:  when the circumstances seem to be getting hard, one must take action
Usage:  open-book test does not mean that one must relax, it is going to be difficult, but then when the going gets tough, the tough get going

Translation:  ge go ya go eba bothata, ba maatla ba ya
Proverb: mo go tšeelwago monna selepe ga go hloke mošuputšo

Translation:  loko ku famba swi tika, ku tika swa famba
Proverb: loko mbhongolo yi nga koki, xigolonyana xi ta koka mbhongolo

Translation:  musi lwendo lu tshi konḓa, vha u konḓelela vha bvela phanḓa na u tshimbila
Proverb: muhulwane u kanda mupfa a tshi u vhona