where one door shuts, another opens
Definition:  when you lose an opportunity to do one thing, an opportunity to do something else appears
Usage:  I was fired last week, and it did not take three day as I received a call from company X offering me a job; where one door shuts, another opens; see now I have a job and did not struggle to get it

Translation:  mo lebati le lengwe le tswalelago, le lengwe le a bulega
Proverb: ge o ka tima kgogo meetse o tlo no bona e nwele

Translation:  loko rivati rin’wana ri pfala, rin’wana ra pfula
Proverb: hambi wo yi tsona mati u ta vona yi nwile

Translation:  musi vothi ḽiṅwe ḽi tshi vala, ḽiṅwe ḽi a vulea
Proverb: naho wa i dzima maḓi u ḓo ḓi vhona yo nwa