you cannot unscramble a scrambled egg
Definition:  some actions are irreversible
Usage:  the minister signed a promise to provide shelter to the homeless, after realising that the budget is not enough, he wanted to retract the promise but he was reminded that you cannot unscramble a scrambled egg

Translation:  o ka se gadikolle lee eo a gadikilwego
Proverb: seyamošate ga se boe

Translation:  u nge swekinuli tandza leri swekiweke
Proverb: loko mbita yi fayekile yi fayekile

Translation:  u nga si vhuedzedze kumba ḽo kwashwaho ḽa hadzingwa kha tshiimo tshaḽo tsha musi ḽi sa athu kwashiwa
Proverb: ya dzhena dangani ndi phedza ya musanda