\documentclass[12pt,a4paper,reqno]{amsart} \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.2} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{anysize,color} \marginsize{2.cm}{2.cm}{0.cm}{1.cm} %\documentclass{article} \newcommand{\icmsatitle}[1]{\begin{center}\textbf{#1}\end{center}} \newcommand{\icmsaauthor}[2]{\begin{center}\textsc{#1}\par\medskip\textit{#2}\end{center}} \newcommand{\icmsaauthoralt}[1]{\begin{center}\textsc{#1}\end{center}} \newcommand{\icmsaclassification}[1]{\vskip5pt\noindent ICMSA Classification code:\hskip5pt\textsc{#1}} \newcommand{\specialsession}[1]{\vskip5pt\noindent Special session:\hskip5pt\textsc{#1}} \newenvironment{icmsaabstract} {\setcounter{footnote}{0}} {\bigskip} \newcommand{\speaker}{\mbox{$\mbox{}^*$}\xspace} \begin{document} \begin{minipage}[b]{15cm} \begin{center} %REFERENCES ARE NECESSARY IN THE THESIS! %NO GRAPHICS, FIGURES! \newtheorem{Theorem}{Theorem} \newtheorem{Definition}{Definition} \newtheorem{Lemma}{Lemma} \newtheorem{Proof}{Proof} \newtheorem{Hypothesis}{Hypothesis} \footnotesize{\emph{\textbf{{\tiny International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications (ICMSA-2019), September 25-27, 2019, UNISA, Florida Science Campus, Johannesburg, South Africa}}} \qquad} \end{center} \end{minipage} \bigskip \bigskip \begin{icmsaabstract} \icmsatitle{TITLE OF THE PRESENTATION} % First author details \icmsaauthor{Initial, Surname$^{\ast, 1}$, Initial, Surname$^{2}$ } { $^{1}$Institution, City, Country \\ $^{2}$Institution, City, Country } \footnote{corresponding author, Email: } \bigskip %% Second author details %\icmsaauthor{ } {Institution, City, Country } %Third author Details %\taagmaatauthor{Initial, Surname} {Institution, \textcolor{red}{City}, Country } \begin{center} {\bf ABSTRACT} \end{center} TYPE YOUR ABSTRACT HERE: \\ \noindent Please note that abstracts should not exceed one page including references. Please keep your abstract as short as possible and written in English. For \textbf{References} use the following given sample\cite{1,2,3} or for one please use reference \cite{3}. \end{icmsaabstract}\\ \medskip %\taagmaatauthor{Keyword: 1$^{\text{th}}$ keyword, 2nd keyword, 3$^{\text{rd}}$ keyword} \noindent \textit{Keywords}: 1$^{\text{th}}$ keyword1, keyword2, keyword3. \icmsaclassification{xx, xx.} % where xx is one of the two digit numbers from the list below %TAAGMAAT Subject Classifications %01 Algebra %02 Analysis %03 Geometry %04 Topology %05 Algebraic geometry %06 PDE's, ODE's and dynamical systems (including stochastic PDE's) %07 Astronomy, Cosmology and General Relativity %08 Fractional derivatives and their applications %09 Fluid Dynamics and Mechanics %10 Symetry and Numerical Analysis %11 Epidemiology and Bio-Mathematics %12 Fuzzy set Theory %12 Financial Mathematics %UNCOMMENT THE LINE BELOW IF YOU WISH TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THE TWO SPECIAL SESSIONS \\ %Special Session: Session in honour of Prof Ellis Nigel %Special Session: Session in honour of Prof Maysson \bigskip \begin{thebibliography}{2} \bibitem{1} H. Brezis, 2010. \emph{Functional analysis, Sobolev spaces and partial differential equations}. Springer Science \& Business Media. \bibitem{2} B. Banaschewski, T. Dube, C. Gilmour and J. Walters-Wayland, 2009. Oz in pointfree topology. \emph{Quaestiones Mathematicae}, {\bf 32}(2), pp.215-227. \bibitem{3} R., Camacho, R., King, and A., Srinivasan, A. eds. 2004. \emph{Inductive Logic Programming: 14th International Conference, ILP 2004}, Porto, Portugal, September 6-8, 2004, Proceedings (Vol. 3194). Springer Science \& Business Media. %\bibitem{4} Z. I. Ali and P.A. Razafimandimby. Stochastic generalized magnetohydrodynamics equations with not regular multiplicative noise: Well-posedness and invariant measure, \textcolor{red}{\emph{Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications}}, \textbf{\textcolor{red}{474}}(2), pp.1404-1440, 2019. %\bibitem{5} S. Antonsev and S. I. Shmarev. A Model Porous Medium %Equation with Variable Exponents of Nonlinearity: existence, uniqueness and localization properties of solutions, Nonlinear Anal., \textbf{60}, 515-545, 2005. %\bibitem{6} A. Bensoussan and R. Temam, $\acute{\text{E}} $quations stochastiques de type Navier-Stokes, \emph{J. Funct. Anal.} \textbf{13}, 195-222, 1973. %\bibitem{7} E. Pardoux, \emph{$\acute{\text{E}}$quations aux d$\acute{\text{e}}$riv$\acute{\text{e}}$es Partielles Stochastiques Non Lin$\acute{\text{e}}$ aires Monotones. Th$\grave{\text{e} }$se} (Universit$\acute{\text{e}}$ Paris $XI$, 1975) . % %\bibitem{9} L. Evans, 2018. \emph{Measure theory and fine properties of functions}. Routledge. \end{thebibliography} \end{document}