@prefix rdf: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix owl: . @prefix wikibase: . @prefix skos: . @prefix schema: . @prefix cc: . @prefix geo: . @prefix prov: . @prefix wd: . @prefix data: . @prefix s: . @prefix ref: . @prefix v: . @prefix wdt: . @prefix wdtn: . @prefix p: . @prefix ps: . @prefix psv: . @prefix psn: . @prefix pq: . @prefix pqv: . @prefix pqn: . @prefix pr: . @prefix prv: . @prefix prn: . @prefix wdno: . @prefix sdc: . @prefix sdcdata: . @prefix sdcs: . @prefix sdcref: . @prefix sdcv: . @prefix sdct: . @prefix sdctn: . @prefix sdcp: . @prefix sdcps: . @prefix sdcpsv: . @prefix sdcpsn: . @prefix sdcpq: . @prefix sdcpqv: . @prefix sdcpqn: . @prefix sdcpr: . @prefix sdcprv: . @prefix sdcprn: . @prefix sdcno: . sdcdata:M1499793 a schema:Dataset ; schema:about sdc:M1499793 ; cc:license ; schema:softwareVersion "1.0.0" ; schema:version "844594339"^^xsd:integer ; schema:dateModified "2024-01-23T17:22:07Z"^^xsd:dateTime . sdc:M1499793 a wikibase:Mediainfo ; wdt:P6731 wd:Q63348049 ; wdt:P180 wd:Q429670 ; p:P6731 sdcs:M1499793-1B4CEB08-BA3E-4060-AB2B-282C2AF862F0 . sdcs:M1499793-1B4CEB08-BA3E-4060-AB2B-282C2AF862F0 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P6731 wd:Q63348049 . sdc:M1499793 p:P180 sdcs:M1499793-384732cc-4c52-860a-f0f4-df2d7bf118d3 . sdcs:M1499793-384732cc-4c52-860a-f0f4-df2d7bf118d3 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:PreferredRank ; ps:P180 wd:Q429670 . sdc:M1499793 schema:caption "Small region of space in the constellation Fornax"@pt ; rdfs:label "Small region of space in the constellation Fornax"@pt ; schema:caption "Deep Space view"@en ; rdfs:label "Deep Space view"@en ; schema:caption "Uwa"@ig ; rdfs:label "Uwa"@ig ; schema:caption "A \"világegyetem\" tipikus ábrázolása"@hu ; rdfs:label "A \"világegyetem\" tipikus ábrázolása"@hu ; a schema:MediaObject, schema:ImageObject ; schema:encodingFormat "image/jpeg" ; schema:contentUrl ; schema:url ; schema:contentSize "3948961"^^xsd:integer ; schema:height "3100"^^xsd:integer ; schema:width "3100"^^xsd:integer . wd:Q63348049 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Wikimedia Commons featured picture"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Wikimedia Commons featured picture"@en ; schema:name "Wikimedia Commons featured picture"@en ; schema:description "image assessment on Wikimedia Commons"@en . wd:P6731 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "Commons quality assessment"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Commons quality assessment"@en ; schema:name "Commons quality assessment"@en ; schema:description "assessment on Wikimedia Commons of the file: featured picture, valued image, quality images, picture of the day, picture of the year etc. Use on media entities only"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P6731 ; wikibase:claim p:P6731 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P6731 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P6731 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P6731 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P6731 ; wikibase:reference pr:P6731 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P6731 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P6731 . p:P6731 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P6731 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P6731 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P6731 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P6731 a owl:ObjectProperty . ps:P6731 a owl:ObjectProperty . pq:P6731 a owl:ObjectProperty . pr:P6731 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdno:P6731 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:92250d59dc74c21873210d1dcf13c187 . _:92250d59dc74c21873210d1dcf13c187 a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P6731 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:Q429670 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Hubble Ultra-Deep Field"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Hubble Ultra-Deep Field"@en ; schema:name "Hubble Ultra-Deep Field"@en ; schema:description "multiple exposure image of deep space in the constellation Fornax"@en . wd:P180 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "depicts"@en ; skos:prefLabel "depicts"@en ; schema:name "depicts"@en ; schema:description "entity visually depicted in an image"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P180 ; wikibase:claim p:P180 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P180 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P180 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P180 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P180 ; wikibase:reference pr:P180 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P180 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P180 . p:P180 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P180 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P180 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P180 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P180 a owl:ObjectProperty . ps:P180 a owl:ObjectProperty . pq:P180 a owl:ObjectProperty . pr:P180 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdno:P180 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:20c681d1555b7d642c63c655f8ceb64a . _:20c681d1555b7d642c63c655f8ceb64a a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P180 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . sdc:M83205329 owl:sameAs sdc:M1499793 .