mbilu khulu ya musingili, a no laṱelwa dzembe a doba
Ṱhalutshedzo:  mushai u fanela u konḓelela uri zwi vhuye zwimu nakele
Tshumiso:  vho thoma nga u ḽa vha fura, vha konaha u mu ṋea muthotho na marambo o salaho uri a ḽe. Tshawe ho sokou tou vha u livhuwa a tshi dovha. A nga si gungule, a thi ri u na mbilu khulu ya musingili, a no laṱelwa dzembe a doba

Mupindulelo:  pelokgolo ya mokgopedi, wa go lahlelwa letšepe a topa
Murero: mošutelelwa ga a nabe

Mupindulelo:  mbilukulu ya musingiri, wo lahleriwa xikomu wa thumba
Murero: mukomberi wa vurhongo a nga ali xitheve

Mupindulelo:  big heart is that of a beggar, if a hoe is thrown at him/her he picks it up
Murero: beggars can’t be choosers