
Appointment of an Interim SRC, IEC and IET

The term of office of the 2021-2023 SRC ended on 22 March 2023. The Management Committee of the University has thus invoked the provision of Chapter 12.2.2 of the SRC Constitution to appoint an Interim Student Representative Council (ISRC) to serve for the period of six (6) months, from 22 March to 22 September 2023. 

The University has concluded the appointment of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) and the Independent Electoral Tribunal (IET) to oversee the process of the SRC election, which is going to take place from 14 to 20 August 2023. 

The IEC will make an announcement regarding the SRC election process in due course.

Issued by the Office of the Dean of Students

Publish date: 2023/04/05