Dear Unisa Student
Unisa is approaching the conclusion of the January/February 2025 examination period. Most students are now accustomed to online learning and assessments, with fewer experiencing challenges associated with examination readiness. Final marks will be released by 10 March 2025.
Below is an outline of the pertinent information that brings to conclusion the January/February 2025 examination period:
The table below reflects the description of the results codes and the required actions:
Result code |
Description |
Result code description |
1 |
Pass |
A student "passes" a module when they have received a final mark of 50% and above. |
2 |
Pass with distinction |
A student "passes with distinction" when they obtain a final mark of 75% and above. |
3 |
Failed |
A student "fails" a module when they have received a final mark of less than 50% and are not eligible for further examination opportunities. The student is required to re-register for the module. |
5 |
Absent from examination |
A student is deemed to be "absent from the examination" when the university did not receive the student’s submission within the allowed submission period. If an undergraduate student is absent from their second examination opportunity, they are required to re-register for the module. Postgraduate students are expected to re-register for the module. Unisa does not provide third examination opportunities. |
6 |
Supplementary |
A student attains a "supplementary examination" outcome, if:
Students who are granted a supplementary opportunity do not need to re-register for the module. |
7/99 |
Results outstanding |
A student receives a "results outstanding" outcome when the student’s submission is received, but the marking of the submission is still in progress and the final mark is outstanding. A student may start following up on their outstanding result(s) from 10 March 2025 by sending an e-mail enquiry to |
8 |
Not admitted to an examination |
A student receives a "not admitted to examination" outcome if the student did not meet the examination admission criteria relevant to the module. A student is required to re-register for the module. |
24 |
Absent – supplementary |
A student receives an "absent-supplementary" outcome when the student failed to utilise the required proctoring tool during their first examination opportunity. Post graduate students who would have received a failed result, will not be granted a deferment and is required to re-register. Students who fail to utilise the proctoring tool in their second examination opportunity are required to re-register for the module. Students aggrieved by the university's decision may appeal using non-compliance with proctoring tools appeal form |
28 |
Script rejected |
A student receives a "script rejected" outcome if a student did not use the required proctoring tool or submitted a password-protected or corrupt file in their second examination opportunity. No further opportunities are granted to students after their second opportunity. Such students are requested to re-register for the applicable module(s) (see section 6 below). Students aggrieved by the university's decision may appeal using the non-compliance with proctoring tools appeal form. |
29 |
Disciplinary pending |
A student receives a "disciplinary pending" outcome if a student is suspected of academic misconduct (see section 7 below). We recommend re-registration of the module while the disciplinary process is still pending. Re-registration of the module does not nullify the ongoing disciplinary proceedings. However, students are cautioned that a guilty outcome from the disciplinary proceeds will result in an automatic cancellation of the re-registered module. Enquiries relating to disciplinary processes may be sent to |
90 |
Deferred - unreadable script |
A student receives a "deferred – unreadable script" outcome when a student provided an irrecoverable corrupt script in their first examination opportunity. Students are provided a second examination opportunity in the next examination sitting. Enquiries relating to unreadable scripts may be sent to |
91 |
Cancelled - unreadable script |
A student receives a "cancelled - unreadable script" outcome when a student provided an irrecoverable corrupt script in their second examination opportunity. No further opportunities are granted to students after their second opportunity. Such students are requested to re-register for the applicable module(s). Enquiries relating to unreadable scripts may be sent to |
92 |
Deferred - script has password |
A student receives a "deferred – script has password" outcome when a student provided a password protected script in their first examination opportunity. Students are provided a second examination opportunity in the next examination sitting. Enquiries relating to password protected scripts may be sent to |
93 |
Cancelled - script has password |
A student receives a "cancelled - script has password" outcome when a student provided a password-protected script in their second examination opportunity. No further opportunities are granted to students after their second opportunity. Such students are requested to re-register for the applicable module(s). Enquiries relating to password protected scripts may be sent to |
94 |
Deferred - proctoring non-compliance |
A student receives a "Deferred - proctoring non-compliance" outcome when a student has been identified to have been out of the Invigilator App for a cumulative period of 10 minutes or when students did not utilise the prescribed proctoring tool (Invigilator App, Moodle Proctoring, or IRIS Proctoring) in their first examination opportunity (see section 6). The outcome also applies when the camera malfunctioned or when the student was off camera resulting in no proctoring tool recordings or an assessment of the proctoring recordings. Students found to be non-compliant with the proctoring provisions will be provided a second examination opportunity in the next examination sitting. Post graduate students who would have received a failed result will not be granted a deferment and is required to re-register. Students aggrieved by the university's decision may appeal using the non-compliance with proctoring tools appeal form. |
95 |
Cancelled - proctoring non-compliance |
A student receives a "Cancelled - proctoring non-compliance" outcome when a student has been identified to have been out of the Invigilator App for a cumulative period of 10 minutes or when the student did not utilise the prescribed proctoring tool (Invigilator App, Moodle Proctoring, or IRIS Proctoring) in their second examination opportunity. No further opportunities are granted to students after their second opportunity. Such students are requested to re-register for the applicable module(s). Students aggrieved by the university's decision may appeal using the non-compliance with proctoring tools appeal form |
The January/February 2025 examination period catered for year modules with the original scheduling of the January/February 2025 examination period, and for students writing their second examination opportunity. Students who were unsuccessful in their second examination opportunities are advised to re-register for their modules. Unisa does not grant third examination opportunities to students to rewrite their examinations.
Students were instructed to submit their examination answer scripts via the official myExams platform. We have noted that some students did not submit their answer scripts via myExams, but rather via the Invigilator App. The university has resolved to accommodate these students by processing their marks through alternative processes.
Unisa prioritises scripts for marking received on myExams and/or myModules platforms. Unisa relies on an automated synchronisation system that elects scripts to be marked in accordance with its prioritisation rules. The university only marks one submission received from a student. Accordingly, Unisa awards 0% to incorrect submissions made via the official platform regardless of correct submissions made on alternative platforms. Due to the automation process, the correct script on an alternative platform is not identified for marking. We urge students to take care and ensure correct submissions are made in all instances.
Aegrotat applications are only permitted for postgraduate students who missed their first examination opportunity to write their online examinations. Postgraduate students who were adversely affected by loadshedding and/or network challenges during their examinations or who experienced the death of loved ones or illness during the examinations are requested to apply online for an aegrotat within 10 days of their scheduled examination sitting. Aegrotat applications are not considered after the release of marks. Aegrotat applications will not be processed for postgraduate students who missed their second examination opportunity. Students are advised to visit the Aegrotat and Special Exams ( web page for the application process. The institution no longer processes aegrotat applications submitted via e-mail.
Undergraduate students may not apply for an aegrotat. Undergraduate students are entitled to use two consecutive examination opportunities per module to take their examinations. The second examination opportunity caters for missed or failed examinations in the first examination opportunity. Undergraduate students who apply for an aegrotat will automatically receive a system error.
Unisa does not grant third aegrotat opportunities to students to write their missed examinations. In such cases, students are required to re-register for the module.
Please note: Modules with portfolio (evidence-based) assessment, continuous assessment, practical assessment or experiential assessment and those modules which require research reports are not granted an aegrotat or second examination opportunities.
Students are advised to send all examination-related enquiries to
6.1 Non-use of the proctoring (invigilation) tools
Unisa utilises three proctoring tools for its examinations. Students were forewarned that non-use of the proctoring tools would result in their marks being withheld. This includes students who failed to upload their proctoring results within the prescribed period per the online examination rules. Such students would have received an "Absent-supplementary", "Deferred - proctoring non-compliance", "Exam script rejected" or "Cancelled - proctoring non-compliance" outcome as their final result.
A student who did not use any of the required proctoring tools when writing a module's exam or upload their proctoring results within the prescribed period in the first examination opportunity, will be granted another examination opportunity in the next module examination.
A student who did not use the prescribed proctoring tools when writing a module's exam or upload their proctoring results within the prescribed period in the second examination opportunity, will have to re-register for the relevant module.
Further transgressions in this regard will result in formal disciplinary proceedings. A student who feels aggrieved by their outcome after non-use of the proctoring tool may appeal the university’s decision by completing the non-compliance with proctoring tools appeal form. Their marks will be released should they be successful. Students have until 31 March 2025 to submit their appeal on the Microsoft form.
The CSET and CTA students are requested to refer to their college communication regarding its application of non-use decisions (rules).
6.2 Students who exited the Invigilator App for a period of more than 10 minutes
The Unisa's online examination rules stipulate that students who spend a cumulative total of more than 10 minutes outside the Invigilator app (by exiting or minimising the Invigilator App) ("out of app”) will be deemed to have transgressed Unisa's examination rules and their marks will be withheld.
Students were forewarned that they must switch off their mobile data after activating the Invigilator QR code for invigilation. In cases where students didn’t switch off their mobile data, their background applications may have resulted in the Invigilator App flagging them to be out of App. It is also important to note that the university does not consider the student's inability to submit an answer script on the Invigilator App in making its determination of whether the student was out of app. In such cases, students were informed that the Invigilator App provides students 10 minutes to submit their scripts on the Invigilator App after the duration of the examination has lapsed. Once the 10 minutes lapsed, the Invigilator App presented itself as non-responsive or “hanging”.
Therefore, while the University has successfully received the students’ answer scripts, students would have received an “Absent-supplementary”, “Deferred - proctoring non-compliance”, “Exam script rejected” or “Cancelled - proctoring non-compliance” outcome as their final result (see section 1) due to the non-compliance with the proctoring tools provisions as stipulated in the online examination rules. Student marks in such cases are withheld.
A student who was out of app in the first examination opportunity for more than 10 minutes will have their marks withheld and are eligible to rewrite during their next module examination sitting. A student who was out of app in the second examination opportunity will have their marks withheld and will have to re-register for the module(s). Students aggrieved by the university's decision may appeal using the non-compliance with proctoring tools appeal form.
The university continues to emphasise that students must familiarise themselves with the examination rules and complete mock examinations prior to sitting for their examinations.
6.3 Turnitin
Selected modules elected the usage of Turnitin in securing academic integrity. The online examination rules stipulate that students failing to provide typed responses for modules who elected to use the Turnitin software will have their submission discarded. These submissions were be awarded a 0%. Students may appeal the outcome of the result by using the non-compliance with proctoring tools appeal form.
We continue to maintain our zero-tolerance stance against cheating and plagiarism during online examinations. Students who have been identified through the proctoring tools or other evidence to have transgressed the examination rules have been referred to the Student Disciplinary Office.
Often students who have been identified of suspicious misconduct raise concerns about the length of time it takes to finalise their disciplinary cases. Disciplinary proceedings take a long time to finalise due to the comprehensive process of gathering evidence, and adherence to strict protocols in accordance with the disciplinary policy and legal provisions, which enable well-informed decisions about the appropriate penalties for students who have been found guilty of misconduct. Such penalties for misconduct have ranged from students being awarded a 0% final mark, to three-to-five-year suspensions and expulsions from the university. Unisa has a 98% conviction rate for students identified for disciplinary proceedings and continues to urge students not to engage in academically dishonest behaviours.
The consequences of academic misconduct are quite severe, as students are not only suspended from continuing their studies at Unisa but also at other South African universities. We urge students to refrain from dishonest academic behaviours during their assessments. Those students who receive communication from the Disciplinary Office should await further communication from the Disciplinary Office on the type of sanction they have received. Enquiries relating to disciplinary processes may be sent to
Students who submitted irrecoverable corrupted scripts will be granted an additional opportunity to write in the next module examination. This concession will only apply to students writing in their first-time examination opportunity (see section 5 above). No further opportunities are granted to students after their second opportunity. Such students are requested to re-register for the applicable module(s).
Students who submitted password-protected scripts were contacted during the marking period to provide the relevant passwords. Students with unresolved password-protected scripts are requested to re-register for the applicable module(s).
Students may send their e-mails to for queries regarding irrecoverable corrupted scripts and password protected scripts.
Students are reminded that the final-year concession (“FI-concessions”) only applies to students who have less than 24 credits outstanding to complete their qualification. Students must have also written the previous examination and failed the examination in the one/two outstanding module(s) during the last examination session. Furthermore, students should have attained at least a 30% examination mark for the outstanding modules for an undergraduate module and a 40% examination mark for a postgraduate module. The FI concessions are granted as second examination opportunities. Students who have exhausted two examination opportunities (via supplementary or aegrotat) will not be identified for an FI concession and are required to re-register for their outstanding modules. We anticipate finalisation of the FI concession process by 14 April 2025.
The university has commenced the staggered release of the January/February 2025 examination results. We anticipate that most marks will be released by 10 March 2025. Module lecturers will not be able to assist in final mark-related queries. Please address all assessment-related enquiries to for a quicker response.
Students may apply to purchase a copy of their examination scripts or to have their scripts remarked by 31 March 2025. The online remark application form is available on myUnisa. Log into myUnisa and navigate to the Examination Results tool in the administrative section. Applications for remarks can also be sent to Students may purchase their scripts by sending an e-mail to Your student number must appear in the subject heading. Please note that the remarking or the purchasing of a script is not possible where the script is flagged for a disciplinary offence or proctoring tool non-compliance infringements (see section 6).
Unisa only attends to enquiries received from students’ myLife e-mail addresses. Communication received from personal e-mail addresses will not be responded to in line with the requirements of the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013.
We congratulate those who have completed their qualifications in this examination season and wish our returning students a prosperous 2025 academic year.
Kind regards
University Registrar
Publish date: 2025/02/26