
Unisa continues with its core business whilst processing the report of the Independent Assessor

Dear Unisans 

The University acknowledges and takes seriously the Report of the Independent Assessor that came out on Friday, 12 May 2023, from the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Dr Blade Nzimande. The Minister indicated via a media statement that he has shared the report of the Independent Assessor into the Affairs of Unisa with the Council of Unisa.    

In a statement issued to the University stakeholders on Monday, 15 May 2023, the university confirmed that it indeed received the report from Minister Nzimande and that it was studying the report with a view to respond as per the request of the Minister; and within the timeframe stipulated in the Minister’s correspondence to Council. 

The university has also taken cognisance of the widespread interest in the matter from many quarters of society, as evidenced in the reports and commentaries in the mainstream media and on social media platforms. 

The university, therefore, wishes to assure all stakeholders that it is not oblivious to the public interest in this matter. Hence, along with studying the report, university management is also consulting with its stakeholders on the matter to ensure that whatever responsive action it takes, it is on a sound basis. 

As a university, we are also alive to the reality that this difficult and unfortunate situation has created a lot of apprehension amongst the epistemic communities, especially staff, students, and alumni. We assure you that your legitimate concerns about matters such as job security, continuation of the academic programme as well as the integrity of your qualifications, amongst others; are top of mind. 

As the university was aware of some of the challenges raised, it put in place processes to deal with them. Hence it is our intention to respond to the Minister’s request as thoroughly and as expeditiously as possible. 

Please rest assured that the university remains in a stable financial position as also affirmed in the report of the Independent Assessor. We are steadfast and committed to improve our rankings further. 

The university also welcomes any further investigations by relevant bodies as it believes it needs to own up on both its successes and failures.  

During the period that we are finalising our response, we humbly request your indulgence and patience; and we urge all staff to continue working hard and all students to stay focussed on their studies to ensure that the academic project (i.e., teaching and learning, research, and innovation, engaged scholarship and student support) remains firmly on track. 

We undertake to provide you with regular updates on the progress with our response and to share our final position on the matter as soon as possible. 

Publish date: 2023/05/25