On May 3, 2024, the tranquil surroundings of Serite Park in Seabe village were transformed into a bustling hub of educational exploration as the Community Careers Fair kicked off its second annual event. Hosted by Unisa's Gauteng Region Counselling Unit and Directorate for Counselling and Career Development, this fair aimed to bring career guidance directly to learners in remote communities far from urban areas.
From left: Mando Makhanya, Career Specialist, Directorate for Counselling and Career Development, Dr Bunki Pitsoane, Head of Counselling, Gauteng Region, Dr Matome Mashiapata, Director, Directorate for Counselling and Career Development, Fhatuwani Makahane, Student Counsellor, Gauteng Region, and Abongile Sinono, Student Administrator, Gauteng Region
The event strived to expose Grade 11 and 12 learners to a wide array of study options offered by various institutions of higher learning. By connecting learners with representatives from universities such as Unisa, Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University, Mpumalanga TVET College, the University of Johannesburg, and Letlole Community College, as well as organisations like the Hawks, the Department of Labour, and SAICA, the fair aimed to broaden horizons and inspire future career paths.
Throughout the day, learners had the opportunity to engage directly with representatives, explore course offerings, and gather insights into career paths in law, ICT, nanotechnology, horticulture, community development, education, and more. Workshops, presentations, and interactive sessions enriched the learning experience, providing practical information for future decisions.
Dr Bunki Pitsoane, reflects: "The event was indeed a success. It gave learners an opportunity to engage with representatives from institutions of higher learning and get more information on what to expect when they complete Grade 12. The university was afforded an opportunity to reach out to learners who have few resources to access education by taking services to them."
Open to the public, this annual event empowered learners with knowledge and opportunities, ensuring that every student had the tools to make informed decisions about their future. As the day unfolded, the fair inspired and guided the next generation of leaders, fostering a spirit of community engagement and lifelong learning among its participants.
* By Thembeka Ntuli-Mpapama, Manager: Communication and Marketing, Unisa Gauteng Region
Publish date: 2024/06/25