News & Events

New course set to enhance first-year student experience

Taking some of the pain out of the challenging transition to a university environment is Unisa’s newly launched First-Year Experience Massive Open Online Course.Read more

Major ICT boost for Unisa students as first laptops are issued

Friday, 29 March 2019 was a red-letter day for the University of South Africa and its students as it marked the start of a massive rollout of laptop computers to students funded by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme.Read more

Exam preparation tips and strategies from Student Health and Wellness

Exam stress getting to you? The experts at Unisa's Student Health and Wellness unit have prepared some tips and strategies to help you cope better during the exam period.Read more

Time for success

The secret to assignment success is effective time management. Increase your productivity with these great time management tips from Unisa’s Directorate: Counselling and Career Development.Read more

Gauteng Region enables students and staff to connect

The extreme cold and drizzling weather that persisted throughout the day could not deter or discourage students from attending the Unisa Open Day, recently held at the Ekurhuleni Regional Service Centre in Daveyton.Read more

Variety celebrated at North-Eastern Region graduation

Student leaders, public servants, an outstanding disabled student and PhDs – the North-Eastern Region’s class of 2018 was variety personified.Read more

Unisa-KZN launches computer literacy guide

Unisa-KZN recently launched their student computer literacy guide. The guide will be available electronically in the near future and students will be able to download it. Read more

Teaching and learning excellence

Ms Patricia Sibisi proved at the 2017 Teaching and Learning Excellence Awards that student support is of the utmost importance to her, and that students buoyed by their lecturers will reveal great potential.Read more

Service smiles for Unisa staffers

State-of-the art systems aside, the human touch remains key at Unisa, an institution servicing more students than any other on the continent. Many staff members go the extra mile to ensure that students enjoy a quality experience when enrolling at Unisa. Three of these unsung heroes were recently singled out for praise by students. Read more