News & Events

Black hair matters

Fascination with and the controversy sometimes surrounding African hair were in the spotlight at a recent Department of Communication Science lecture.Read more

Madiba’s granddaughter: ‘Mandelas are human beings, too’

As Zoleka Mandela walked across the graduation stage, it appeared as if fate had destined this year for her graduation as this is the year her grandfather would have celebrated his 100th birthday. Read more

Never take things for granted

South Sudanese Richard Ruati braved major obstacles, including civil war, during his studies, but emerged victorious with a BA in Communication Science. Here's his inspirational story.Read more

Inxeba movie is colonialism at its most advanced level

As part of its Research and Innovation week activities, the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology hosted a thought-provoking discussion on the controversial local film, Inxeba: The Wound. Read more

Telling our stories through art

The College of Human Sciences recently hosted its Research and Innovation Week flagship event, discussing the telling of African stories through art, as well as neoliberal happiness and feminism.Read more