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Actress graduates with PhD

Dr Regina Nesengani

The University of South Africa (Unisa) has conferred a PhD to actress Regina Nesengani.

Nesengani, 65, plays the part of Chief Azwindini's mother vho-Masindi Mukwerho on SABC 2 soapie Muvhango. Her doctoral dissertation, which she wrote in tshiVenda, is on gender-based violence (GBV).

"The topic was inspired by the prevalence of GBV. I wrote on women abuse through dialogue on drama books written by male writers. The contention was that most of the books were written by men, in which women are often portrayed in a negative manner, and seldom portrayed as intelligent enough to think and decide for themselves,” she said.

She explained that she was touched by stories of women who were abused by their partners.

“I was shocked that this happens in 2020, with all the awareness and education on GBV. I researched more on GBV and found shocking discoveries, dating back from the early 1970s; which contributed to my decision to take it further and pursue a PhD. I hope this will add to the body of literature and knowledge on GBV issues,” she said.

Nesengani completed her master's degree while working as a primary school teacher, and has been an actor for over 30 years. Muvhango creator Duma Ndlovu said SABC and Word Of Mouth Pictures are planning a celebration to pay homage to Nesengani for her historic achievement.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you Dr Nesengani,” he said. Fans and colleagues have also congratulated Nesengani for her momentous achievement.

* This article is republished here with the kind permission of Inner City Gazette

Publish date: 2020/12/09

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