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Chancellor, Council Chair get up close and personal

On 7 August former president Thabo Mbeki, Unisa Chancellor, Mr Saki Simelane, Chairperson of the Unisa Council, and new members of Council refreshed their knowledge of the institution during an induction programme and tour of the campus.

During the programme Professor Mandla Makhanya, Unisa Principal and Vice-Chancellor, delivered a presentation locating Unisa in the national higher education landscape. Other presentations included the governance framework of higher education institutions, the role of codes of good governance and governance pitfalls.

The group toured the Unisa Art Gallery, the registrations section on the Sunnyside Campus and Dispatch, Production and the Library on the main campus.

Former president Thabo Mbeki, Unisa Chancellor, took the opportunity to engage with students during the campus tour

Mr Saki Simelane, Chairperson of the Unisa Council, during the Library visit

Publish date: 2018/09/28

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