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Cheers to 150 years of shaping futures and defying the odds

Unisa's journey of 150 years signifies the strength and resilience of its existence. The university survived different decades, yet the mission remained to provide quality distance education to societies. As Africa's longest-serving distance university, Unisa has transformed many lives.

In this exclusive vox-pops, Unisans share their experiences on the university's impact on their lives and the #Unisa150 milestone.

Dr Lettah Sikhosana, Chair for Research and Innovation, Postgraduate Degrees and Commercialisation in the Department of Science and Technology Education
In the spirit of celebrating its 150th anniversary this year, I wish to see Unisa continue supporting students who owe the university. Nonetheless, Unisa, a Comprehensive Open Distance and e-Learning (CODeL) university, has allowed many students to pursue their studies despite their multiple roles. These students are affected by the barriers of distance, cost, and time. Unisa students are outstanding as they need self-motivation, focus, dedication, discipline, time, and support to complete their studies at a distance university.
Thabang Masedi, Lecturer, Public Relations and Media Studies in the Department of Communication Science

Happy 150 years to Unisa. I am glad to be part of a university that has shown tremendous success and continues to propel to shape the nation's future. As we have reached the 150 years milestone, my wish for the university is for it to continue to not only shape the future of our students but continue to be the hope of our society as it has proven that irrespective of the background, colour, and distance it strives to ensure that our society is served with the best education system.

Melusi Mntungwa, Lecturer, Public Relations and Media Studies in the Department of Communication Science

We look forward to seeing Unisa grow from strength to strength. Through its Open Distance e-Learning (ODeL) modality, Unisa has fulfilled the aspirations of many in this country to get an education, particularly those who could not afford it due to a lack of financial or time resources to study full-time at residential institutions. It has ensured that education is accessible to all. It gives students the autonomy to execute their studies according to their financial capabilities and timelines, empowering them to define their future at their own pace. Unisa remains a beckon of hope for many communities, and we will continue to celebrate its existence for changing the lives of many South Africans and global citizens.

Shatadi Phoshoko, Secretary-General, Unisa National Student Representative Council

We celebrate Unisa's 150th anniversary because it helped students to access higher education through its low tuition fees. Unisa is accessible to everyone. Even the Unisa Law Clinic makes a considerable difference in assisting poor communities to access legal services for free. The university contributes to transformation by positively impacting society and fighting injustices created by racism.

Lebogang Kotsokoane, Health Promoter, HR Employee Relations and Wellness

I love Unisa for advocating health and wellness to its community. The Unisa Health Campus Clinic ensures that Unisans know the importance of taking chronic medication and vitamins, especially during Covid-19. In addition, the university provides us with necessary information and resources to embrace a healthy lifestyle because a healthy mind and body equal a healthy employee.

Lerato Tlhwaela, Venue Coordinator, University Estates

With 150 years of existence, Unisa has impacted my life positively. Unisa allowed me to study while working full-time. As a result, I can study at my own pace and provide for my family through distance education. Cheers to 150 years of shaping futures and defying the odds.

*By Lesego Chiloane-Ravhudzulo, Journalist, Department of Institutional Advancement

Publish date: 2023/04/18

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