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Finding 150 ways to impact the Zambian community

The recent visit of the Unisa Alumni Relations Office to Lusaka, Zambia, has marked a significant milestone in strengthening the bond between the university and its esteemed alumni. Taking a fresh approach to engage with alumni chapters across the continent, the office aims to create enhanced networking and fundraising opportunities while offering crucial support through a dedicated helpdesk facility. 

Unisa Zambia alumni

The visit served as a catalyst for inspiring the Zambian alumni to actively contribute to the betterment of their alma mater and make a lasting impact on the university's legacy. On Friday 19 May 2023, the Alumni Relations Office staff members and Unisa Marketing representatives hosted a helpdesk at the Radisson Blu, Lusaka. This service provided a platform for alumni and stakeholders to discuss their future studies and address any challenges. 

The initiative showcased the university's commitment to ensuring ongoing support and professional development for its graduates. During the networking session, the convenor of the Zambia alumni chapter, Tisangechi Sakala, delivered an inspiring message that resonated with all attendees: "I challenge each of us to think of dedicating ourselves to making the university better. Can we set aside 150 minutes a week? Can we think of impacting 150 lives with the knowledge that we have?" She stressed that although alumni in Zambia are a diverse group, one thing brings them all together. "We are sharing this unique place in Unisa's history, present and future, etched in each of our lives."

In addition to the call for action, the alumni gathered to extend heartfelt birthday wishes to Unisa on its 150th anniversary. It was a joyous occasion where alumni reflected on the university's transformative journey and celebrated the milestones achieved.

To foster continuous collaboration and communication, alumni attendees pledged to establish a chapter WhatsApp group to maintain an active network and exchange valuable insights. Recognising the importance of education and access to opportunities, the group also resolved to create a Zambia Alumni Scholarship. The scholarship will empower deserving individuals to pursue their educational aspirations, ultimately fostering positive change within the Zambian community.

The visit of the Unisa Alumni Relations Office to Lusaka, Zambia, has reinvigorated the connection between the university and its alumni community in the country. Adopting a new approach focused on networking, fundraising and support, the office has empowered the Zambian alumni to enhance their alma mater actively.

* By Cilla Boucher, Alumni Relations Officer, Unisa Foundation and Alumni Relations

Publish date: 2023/06/13

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