News & Events

Join us in celebrating NSW 2018

The Unisa Science Campus celebrates National Science Week (NSW) 2018 with a diverse collection of exhibits from the the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES) and the College of Science, Engineering and Technology (CSET) from 30 July to 4 August 2018.

The exhibits (robotics, geography, engineering, astronomy, mathematics, statistics, textiles, 3D-scanning. consumer sciences and materials) will be open from 10:00-15:00 daily.  There are also at least four optional tours at 11:00 and 13:00 daily (horticulture center, robotics, engineering laboratory, body scanning, Hour of Code). Tuesday will focus on engineering and Friday is ‘Digital Friday’ with an impressive line-up of cyber security experts. Click here for the full programme.

NSW 2018, an initiative of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), is a national celebration of science through science-based activities.  The aims of the project include: 

  • to popularise science to the broader South African society,
  • to serve as a vehicle for showcasing local innovations in science and technology, and the leadership role of the DST and other government departments in enabling research, development and innovation,
  • to make science, technology, engineering, mathematics and innovation (STEMI) appealing to learners, such that they consider STEMI as preferable career options
  • to familiarise targeted participants with the science linked to areas in which South Africa has knowledge and/or geographic advantage so as to contribute in making them informed and critically engaged citizens


The I-SET team have created a virtual presence on social media (and REALLY appreciate support).  We would like to be trending ….

  • iSET Facebook: isetlego unisa

  • iSET Twitter handle: @IsetLego_unisa

  • iSET Blog:

  • Official Hashtags: #ISETUnisa #SASciWeek, #UnisaNSW2018, #NSW2018


NSW 2017 was an awesome adventure for all those who visited the Unisa Science Campus.  This year there is greater participation to provide increased access and an even greater awareness of the deepening of our democracy through science.  For more information about the National Science Week Programme at other institutions, visit


* Compiled by Thembeka Ntuli-Mpapama and Patricia Gouws

Publish date: 2018/07/27

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