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North Eastern Region hosts the COVID-19 vaccination activity

Unisa’s North Eastern Region has partnered with the Limpopo Provincial Department of Health to assist the latter in carrying out a vaccination campaign on the university’s premises. On 28 September 2021, an event was hosted on the Polokwane Campus which targeted students, staff and members of the public.

Limpopo Provincial Health officials explaining how the day will unfold to Prof Moloko Sepota (Unisa North Eastern Regional Director on the right), Boitumelo Sehlapelo (Deputy Secretary of Unisa Limpopo Regional SRC after Prof Sepota), and Dr Phophi Ramathuba (Limpopo Health MEC in green and yellow regalia)

The North Eastern Region contributed to the country’s efforts of encouraging more people to vaccinate by allowing the provincial government to roll out its vaccination campaign to one of the campuses. In the grand scheme of things, the region contributed to the national commitment of ensuring that the country attains the herd immunity threshold.

Shoboro Motswakgole of Unisa Protection Services participated in the vaccination activity

Among the region’s internal stakeholders who attended the event to offer support to the visiting health officials were representatives of organised labour, Limpopo Regional Student Representative Council (RSRC), and regional management.

The Limpopo Health MEC, Dr Phophi Ramathuba led the event by personally administering vaccinations to some people who participated. Once the participants had been assisted with the registration of their details on the system, a health official explained to them what was going to be done and that they could experience side effects/symptoms for about two days after the vaccination.

The campaign gave unvaccinated staff and students who were on campus the opportunity to get vaccinated. The deputy secretary of the RSRC, Boitumelo Sehlapelo, reiterated the importance of getting vaccinated.

“It is our responsibility as student leaders, staff and management to ensure that the spread of the pandemic is curbed,” she said.

Sehlapelo added that Unisa should intensify its COVID-19 awareness campaign so that the country would no longer experience COVID-19-related deaths among students and other members of the community, since prevention measures are now in place.

“I would like to encourage all students and youth to visit their nearest vaccination centres and vaccinate. We should dispel these exaggerated myths and perception about vaccines,” concluded Sehlapelo.

* By Matsobane Madisha, Unisa North Eastern Region

Publish date: 2021/10/12

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