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Proudly rising from a sense of defeat

Unisa student Phuti Grace Mabitsela recently graduated with a Bachelor of Forensic Science and Technology. Born and raised in Fairlie village (Moletjie) in the Limpopo Province, Mabitsela grew up no different from other kids in the village, playing with her peers, fetching water and firewood, and performing other activities and chores with ease. Her primary and secondary school days were spent in the same village.

On 08 April 2004, Mabitsela was involved in a car accident that left her paraplegic. Explaining the events of the day, she says: “When the taxi I was boarding rolled several times, my mind immediately feared that I would never walk again.” Her worst fear would, unfortunately, be confirmed the following day after doctors ran tests that verified the accident left her paralysed. From that day, the once independent Mabitsela had to learn to depend on others to help her get by day to day.

Phuti Grace Mabitsela

While the accident changed her life in an instant, Mabitsela says it is the attitude and support she received from people close to her that changed her tragedy into success. Every day, however, comes with challenges. “When I wake up in the morning, I must motivate myself, I have to make a conscious decision that nothing is going to get me down. I just need to be focused and carry on with life,” she says.

She further adds: “Disability presents many daily challenges, including loss of a sense of control and independence. Adapting to life with a disability is not an easy thing but I have developed ways to help myself cope with limitations, overcome challenges and build a rewarding life.”

Mabitsela explains that accessibility is the main problem she is faced with as many buildings have stairs but no lifts or ramps. She also says that while she drives, access to transport is a challenge to many people with disabilities. A lack of access to wheelchair-friendly public bathrooms has also caused her much frustration. She adds: “People staring at me is also frustrating as I sometimes feel that I get judged on my disability.”

Academic achievements

While the accident changed Mabitsela’s life in an unprecedented way, she rose from the sense of defeat to continue living in the best way she can. She currently works for the Road Accident Fund and has also done well in her academic endeavours. Mabitsela completed her Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration and Communication Facilitation from Unisa in 2012. She later chose to study for a Bachelor of Forensic Science and Technology because she wants to pursue a career in the forensic investigation sector. Explaining why Unisa has always been the university of choice for her, she says: “I choose to study at Unisa because I can juggle my work and my studies without pressure. Studying through Unisa has many advantages. For me, chief among these is that I get to do my work on my own time.”

Sharing some of the challenges she faced with her latest enrolment at the university, she says that she recently had anxiety owing to the introduction of online exams as she was already used to venue-based exams. However, with the help of Unisa professional and academic staff, she eventually conquered her fear. Complimenting the support she received from Unisa was her family. “My family has been amazing,” Mabitsela says, “they are often the ones to follow up and help me keep track of my assignments and ensure that all my schoolwork was done to meet the requirements set out. They have also offered a shoulder to cry on and I feel humbled by their faith in me.”

With her positive outlook in life and a supportive family structure, it seems Mabitsela is only beginning as she is already intending to register for a Honours in Forensic Science and Technology with Unisa. Regardless of the life-changing event that Mabitsela encountered, she fought through the sense of defeat and the many challenges that followed after the accident. Having fought her share of challenges successfully, Mabitsela encourages Unisa students to remain steadfast in working towards their academic goals irrespective of the challenges they may encounter. Her resilience and courage are worth noting and something from which to draw inspiration. In conclusion, she encourages students to persevere: “Even when the odds are against you, do not give up on your dreams. Do your best under any circumstance and you will see the universe responding positively to you.”

*By Tshimangadzo Mphaphuli, Senior Journalist Department of Institutional Advancement


Publish date: 2022/04/12

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