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Unisa law alumnus inspired to represent the vulnerable

Unisa alumnus and former staff member, Advocate Percy Mthombeni, acknowledges Unisa for instilling qualities relevant in his law career to represent vulnerable people. He states: “As a lawyer, you are required to demonstrate a high degree of critical thinking and independence. This helps in executing daily duties.” He adds: “So, given that Unisa is an open and distance e-learning institution, these qualities developed easily for me because, during my studies, I was expected to demonstrate them.”  

Advocate Percy Mthombeni

Mthombeni obtained an LLB degree in 2017 at Unisa and is currently enrolled for a master’s degree (LLM) at the university. He says his passion for being a human rights activist inspired him to pursue a law career. “Additionally,” he explains, “being born in a poverty-stricken community made me realise that the rights of the poor and other vulnerable groups are not always respected even though they are enshrined in the Constitution.” Mthombeni was then motivated to be the voice and representative of the vulnerable regardless of their status.

While he was a Unisa staff member, among other departments, he says he is grateful to Unisa for giving him the opportunity to be part of its Department of Legal Services. “This enhanced my understanding of the law, especially labour law and the law of contract. Currently, my practice also involves these areas,” he remarks. Therefore, according to Mthombeni, Unisa is the best institution, and it makes dreams possible. 

Mthombeni is also an advocate of the High Court of South Africa and a member of the Johannesburg Society of Advocates and Advocates Group Twenty One. He is also a passionate entrepreneur.

Congratulating Unisa on its 150th milestone celebration, he encourages the university to continue widening access to its doors and unlocking the potential of many people, especially in South Africa and the African continent. He says: “Unisa’s contribution to humanity is unmatched, and this contribution will also be critical in the future as technology drives the evolution of society.” Mthombeni concludes: “The future of humanity will be bleak without Unisa.”

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* By Nancy Legodi, Acting Senior Journalist, Department of Institutional Advancement

Publish date: 2023/05/10

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