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Unisa and RAU collaborate to enhance internationalisation efforts

The International Affairs Office at the Romanian-American University (RAU) recently hosted distinguished guests from the Unisa School of Business Leadership (SBL). Established in 1991, RAU provided the ideal setting for the exchange of knowledge and experiences in international education. Therefore, the visit, facilitated under the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme, aimed at promoting the exchange of best practices in higher education internationalisation and exploring potential collaboration between the two institutions. It also enabled Unisa representatives to meet with RAU faculty members and other visiting professors, further strengthening relationship and partnership between them.

Prof Walter Matli (Unisa), Prof Pumela Msweli (Unisa), Prof. Dr Alfredo Jose Bolt (Finis Terrae University, Chile), Despina Barbieru (RAU), and Prof Lavina Justina Stanica (RAU)

Professor Pumela Msweli, Unisa SBL’s Executive Dean and Chief Executive Officer, delivered seminars on "A political economy analysis of cross-border trade in Africa: African Continental Free Trade Agreement perspective". The sessions aimed fostering discussions around the challenges, opportunities, and implications of cross-border flows within the newly launched African Continental Free Trade Agreement.

Concurrently, SBL’s Associate Professor in Digital Transformation and Community Engagement Manager, Walter Matli, conducted seminars on "Digital transformation strategy and impacts during emergency situations". Due to the high level of interest, the seminars were conducted both physically on campus and online in the evening, ensuring accessibility for a wide audience.

During discussions with Professor Ovidiu Folcut, RAU’s Senate President, the university’s commitment to accommodate the needs of its students was emphasised. With approximately 60% of students engaged in employment, RAU offers flexible programmes, allowing students to choose class schedules that best suit their individual circumstances. This student-centred approach reflects the university's commitment to provide the best possible educational experience.

Professor Camelia Gheorghe, RAU’s Centre Director of the International Air Transport Association and the Executive Dean for the School of Tourism and, discussed potential collaboration between RAU and Unisa SBL. The focus was on establishing leadership training programmes in the aviation and tourism field and creating revenue streams for both institutions. The partnership holds promise for joint research endeavours and curriculum co-creation.

Professor Tudor Edu, RAU’s Vice-President for Research, Innovation and Internationalization, highlighted the tangible opportunities arising from the collaboration. These opportunities include collaborative curriculum development, exchange visiting professor programmes, and co-authored research projects. Msweli emphasised the potential for a double degree programme, which would require joint efforts in designing and merging qualifications. Workload models were also discussed, further strengthening collaboration between the two institutions.

The visit by Unisa representatives to RAU, marks a significant step in fostering collaboration and internationalisation efforts between these renowned institutions. The exchange of ideas, expertise, and research initiatives will undoubtedly contribute to the institutions’ growth and development. The commitment to academic collaboration, staff exchange programmes, and extracurricular activities will further enrich the educational experiences of students and faculty members alike, fostering a vibrant international learning environment.



* By Walter Matli, Associate Professor and Community Engagement Manager, School of Business Leadership

Publish date: 2023/06/02

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