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Unisans raise the bar high as SABC Board members

Recently announced by the Presidency, Unisa Vice-Principal: Finance, Supply Chain Management and Business Enterprises (Chief Financial Officer), Khathutshelo Ramukumba and David Maimela, Unisa Director: Executive Support, Office of the Principal and Vice-Chancellor, have been appointed by South African President, His Excellency Cyril Ramaphosa, to serve as Chairperson and member of the newly appointed South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) Board, respectively.

Khathutshelo Ramukumba

Ramukumba explains that his role as chairperson is to provide leadership and direction to the board. He elaborates: “As per the Broadcasting Act (1999), my role is to ensure effective governance, leadership, and overall management of the SABC. These include developing and implementing strategies, policies, and procedures.” He adds: “Overall, I must ensure that the corporation fulfils its mandate, operates effectively and efficiently, and serves the best interest of the public.”

Ramukumba recognises that it is a privilege and an honour to be bestowed the responsibility to lead a team of capable men and women on the board. He proclaims that the SABC is a critical pillar of South Africa’s democracy, as reflected by the president in his announcement of the Board’s appointment. “Therefore,” he continues, “I take this appointment seriously and appreciate that hopes of the nation are pinned on me and the collective I lead to placing the SABC on a path of success.”

Ramukumba hopes his fellow Unisans are proud to be represented at this critical institution. “Further, it demonstrates confidence in our leadership abilities at Unisa,” he says.

Sharing his vision for the SABC, he remarks that he will ensure that it achieves long-term financial sustainability and high governance standards whilst effectively implementing its mandate of educating, informing, and entertaining citizens and the global community in an impartial, fair and independent manner. He adds: “It is also my vision that the SABC executes this essential role without fear or favour.”

David Maimela

In addition, Maimela states: “The SABC Board has an oversight role on the affairs of the corporation as an accounting authority in its governance system.” He further explains: “It does so by overseeing management’s work in the implementation of approved strategy and Annual Performance Plans, and then provides progress report to the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa.”

The SABC Board’s term of office is five years, and Maimela also served on the previous Board. He shares his sentiments about his reappointment: “The president and Parliament have provided me with another privilege to make a contribution to the biggest public broadcaster in Africa.” He adds: “This enables me to contribute to its education, entertainment and information mandate, and thereby influence the country and Africa’s development trajectory.” Maimela maintains that the SABC is one of the critical development institutions in South Africa and is a national treasure that must be strengthened to compete locally, regionally and globally in the digital age.

Maimela remarks: “I hope Unisa, a prestigious academic institution, is proud to be associated with me as an employee that contributes to the public broadcaster.” He notes that he will use the experience gained at the SABC to enhance the university.

As a goal-orientated leader, Maimela says he would like to see the board succeed in transforming the public broadcaster into one of the leading multimedia broadcasting technology companies in Africa and globally. He concludes: “To achieve this, we must embrace opportunities and drive a strategy that will keep us dynamic, relevant, and competitive in terms of content, technology and cultural richness and diversity.”

* By Nancy Legodi, Acting Senior Journalist, Department of Institutional Advancement


Publish date: 2023/04/24

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