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Unisa drives enhanced library access in three provinces

Letitia Lekay (right), Manager: Library Service, Midlands Region and Confidence Mkhwanazi, staff member, Library Services, Midlands Region, addressing students during the visit in to the Sol Plaatje Municipal Public Library

Staff from Unisa’s Midlands Region (comprising the North West, Free State and Northern Cape provinces) recently visited several libraries to launch partnerships and provide library training to Unisa students.

The drive commenced in Mahikeng, where the local municipality library was visited for the official partnership launch. This was followed by library usage training presented to students.

The training forms part of Unisa’s extensive student support, and entailed information on the usage of various library resources and where to access such resources.

The main aim of the training was to equip students with the necessary skills regarding available student support services at Unisa’s libraries and its library partners. The other objective of the visit was to expose students to and inform them on the libraries with which the university partners, in order to enable them to access these identified libraries with ease.

After the Mahikeng visit, Midlands Region visited the Sol Plaatje Municipal Public Library and Research Services in Kimberley, where the university launched another partnership, and the same training was provided to students.

A sizable number of students attended these exciting training initiatives. Students were delighted to receive this important training as it will contribute positively towards their student learning experience, leading to successful completion of their studies.

The drive concluded in Bloemfontein, where the Free State Provincial Library and Archives was visited for a partnership launch and the relevant library training to students.

* By Winston Rampedi, Communication and Marketing Manager: Unisa Midlands Region

Publish date: 2023/05/18

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