Unisa has been focusing its research and innovation efforts on making the greatest positive impact in developing African-centred solutions to some of the pressing problems plaguing society. The university believes it is vital for African research institutions and agencies to spend its very limited resources for maximum impact, with a laser-sharp focus on finding solutions to the problems holding society back.
The university has made great strides in this regard, as will be demonstrated during its 2023 Research and Innovation Week. From 15 to 19 May, the university will present some of the world-class, Africa-centred work emanating from the eight Unisa colleges, the Graduate School of Business Leadership, and the Thabo Mbeki School of Public and International Affairs. The theme, fittingly, is “World-class research by Africans for Africa and the globe”.
Click here for a broad overview of the presentations and venues.
Also on the programme are the latest developments in innovation, technology and commercialisation, as well as research integrity, which is a field in which Unisa is playing a leadership role internationally.
At the opening of the event, the keynote address will be delivered by Dr Godfrey Mugurusi, Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management in Gjøvik, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway.
* Compiled by the Department of Institutional Advancement
Publish date: 2023/05/09