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#Energy21SpeakerSeries Interview 1

Unisa Radio has partnered with the United States Embassy in South Africa to engage university students with an interest in climate and environmental issues in a dialogue about how renewable energy and energy efficiency can effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions and deliver positive environmental impacts while also generating economic growth and job opportunities.

The conversation will take place in a series of interviews with U.S. experts in the field of #climatechange.

The first interview was with Dr Dan Arvisu and you can listen to it right here.

Listen to the podcast

Dan Arvizu has had a long distinguished career in advanced energy research and development, materials science, and technology commercialization. In 2015 he retired as the longest serving Director of the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado where he now serves as Director Emeritus. Prior to joining NREL, Arvizu was a chief technology officer with CH2M HILL Companies, Ltd., an executive with Sandia National Laboratories, and started his career at the AT&T Bell Telephone Laboratories.

He was appointed by two successive U.S. presidents, and confirmed by the U.S. Senate, to serve six-year terms on the National Science Board, which governs the National Science Foundation and advises the President and Congress on science policy. He is presently serving as Chairman. He is an elected Fellow of the National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Public Administration.

Arvizu serves on a number of boards, panels and advisory committees including the American Council on Renewable Energy Advisory Board, the Singapore International Advisory Panel on Energy, the State Farm Mutual Insurance Board of Directors, and the Stanford Precourt Institute for Energy Advisory Council.

Arvizu has a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from New Mexico State University, and a Master of Science and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University.



Publish date: 2016/11/03

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