SRC & Student Associations

NSRC appeals to Unisa community to support students in need

Student debt is increasing rapidly, leaving many students unable to pay their tuition fees. As a result, they are stuck in the student system for longer periods, unable to graduate and enter the workforce. The Unisa National Students Representative Council (NSRC) is urging the Unisa community to support their campaign to raise funds to address the growing student debt at the university. Read more

Fincom members discuss NSRC 2023 budget

Unisa’s Department of Student Affairs, under the Office of the Dean of Students, recently held a Fincom Committee meeting aimed to oversee and ascertain that the NSRC budget aligns to the university’s budgeting cycle. Read more

Woman power celebrated at EC Regional SRC inauguration

Dr Benni Lekubu, chair of Unisa’s Independent Electoral Commission, praised the Eastern Cape for including a record four women in its leadership cadre.Read more

KZN student leadership inaugurated

The region’s newly elected leadership cadre undertook to put political affiliations aside in order to meaningfully serve their constituents.Read more

Amplifying student voices through SRC elections

As Unisa prepares to hold SRC elections, Dr Olwethu Sipuka, Dean of Students, sees student leaders as partners in service delivery improvement at the university.Read more

The plight of women in our society

Our tradition needs to go back to what the status of women really is, as opposed to what oppressive men make everyone believe it is, writes Sifundo KaZolile Ndzube.Read more

Youth Day commemorations: a premature exercise?

A Unisa Regional Students Representative Council member argues that the youth struggle has not yet been accomplished, and that many gains of the youth revolution have been reversed.Read more

Untold stories behind gender-based violence in South Africa

An NSRC member shares his views on how shattered gender roles contribute to femicide and the sexual abuse of children. Read more

Unisa Law alumnus is dedicated to serving Unisa's international students across the globe

This advocate for human rights, who received his Bachelor of Commerce in Law degree in March, is dedicated to serving Unisa's international students across the globe.Read more

Building an enabling environment for postgrad students

Lucas Mamabolo, National Postgraduate Officer on the National Student Representative Council, understands the academic language, needs and concerns of students at postgraduate level.Read more