College of College of Graduate Studies

ICT bolsters the Ethiopia Regional Learning Centre

Unisa Ethiopia Regional Learning Centre map

The Unisa Information and Communications Technology (ICT) portfolio visited the Ethiopia Regional Learning Centre to assist with network connectivity. The centre has been battling connectivity challenges for a long time. The region has used various methods, such as portable Wi-Fi, to stay connected. However, given that the regional office supports only masters and doctoral students, there is an overreliance on the region from students. The ICT portfolio has since procured and shipped the network equipment to address the challenges.                                                                                    

Marothi Philip Lemekwane, Director: ICT Governance; Thokozani Dlamini, Director: ICT Infrastructure and Operations; Simret Mulugeta, Technology Enhance Learning and ICT Support, Unisa Ethiopia; Mathabo Nakene-Mginqi, Vice-Principal: ICT; Mothie Singh, Deputy Director: Desktop Support; Meseret Tefera, Deputy Director: Student Administration, Unisa Ethiopia and Dr Tsige Aberra, Regional Director, Unisa Ethiopia

The visit to Ethiopia was inspired by the ICT portfolio's need to enable regional offices in line with the approved ICT digitalisation strategy, founded upon five key principles: academically focused and student-centric, composability, secure teaching, learning and research, digital workplace, and incremental innovation. Therefore, it was crucial for ICT to assess the environment to ensure the region is well-resourced.

Mothie Singh, Deputy Director: Desktop Support; Mathabo Nakene-Mginqi Vice-Principal: ICT; Simret Mulugeta, Technology-Enhanced Learning and ICT Support, Unisa Ethiopia; Meseret Tefera, Deputy Director: Student Administration, Unisa Ethiopia); Thokozani Dlamini, Director: ICT Infrastructure and Operations and Marothi Philip Lemekwane, Director: ICT Governance

Unisa employees in Ethiopia are encouraged and relieved about the positive progress in addressing the ICT challenges in the region. It is anticipated that once the configuration and installation process is complete and the productivity tools are fully delivered, the region will be much better. In addition, the established monthly meeting between the ICT portfolio and the region will also significantly add value to the progress. "We believe that in line with the ICT Portfolio that focuses on the university's digitalisation strategy with its five core focus areas, the visit will have an impact on the enabler factors that make the centre effective and efficient in its services," said Dr Aberra Tsige from the Ethiopia Regional Learning Centre.

Mothie Singh, Deputy Director: Desktop Support; Thokozani Dlamini, Director: ICT Infrastructure and Operations and Mr Marothi Philip Lemekwane, Director: ICT Governance

Professor Puleng LenkaBula, Principal and Vice-Cancellor of Unisa, emphasised that the university's work in Ethiopia is strategically essential. Moreover, Unisa plans to expand its operations into other countries in Eastern Africa by making Ethiopia a regional hub. Therefore, the ICT connectivity and networks' progress will significantly impact and propel the Ethiopia region towards success.

*By Hanli Wolhuter, Communication and Marketing Specialist and Musa Buthelezi, Intern, College of Graduate Studies

Publish date: 2023/05/15

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