In a historic move for South African and African academia, UNISA became signatory to the United Nations
Global Compact (UNGC) on the 17th of January 2007. The University thereby signalled strong support for the ten principles of the Global Compact which relates to human rights, labour standards, the protection of the environment and anti-corruption.
Becoming a signatory to the UNGC demonstrates a voluntary commitment to good corporate citizenship that goes beyond awareness, to action and responsibility for improving the lives of society today, and securing a good quality of life for generations to come.
In 2008 UNISA embarked on fulfilling the requirements of the University's membership of the UNGC. The inaugural report of the UNISA/UNGC Project provided a critical but constructive overview of UNISA's profile as a corporate citizen. Although submitting an annual COP is not mandatory for participating Academic institutions, Unisa voluntarily produced and submitted a Communication on Progress (COP) for the 2009 academic year, UNISA/UNGC 2009 Communication on Progress, thus re-affirming its commitment to being an exemplary academic institution and a leader in higher education in South Africa.
Last modified: 2025/02/17